03.03.2019, New York.
The US is forming a “ liberation army” at Venezuela’s border. In order to achieve this, the US exaggerates the statistics on deserters from the Venezuelan army, stated Venezuela’s ambassador of UN Samuel Moncada during the UN Security Council meeting on March 1.
Samuel Moncada said that that the spokesmen of Donald Trump’s government “fabricating reports about the number of deserters from the Venezuelan armed forces in order to create a Venezuela liberation army on the Colombian territory.”
The Colombian mass media write about it, so it is no secret, he added.
According to the diplomat, the US government plans to equip mercenary groups in order to begin armed provocations from Columbian territory.
Moncada reminded about how the US prepared the “Contras” army to topple the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, which resulted in thousands of deaths in the country.
US is openly acquiring weapons for the pseudo-Venezuelan armed formations, Moncada said.
The Venezuelan spokesmen demand that UN Security Council to prohibit the use of military force against Venezuela.
He made note that there is currently peace in Venezuela.
According to the Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister for International Relations William Alfredo Castillo, 109 people deserted from the Venezuelan National Guard.
Only 109 people had deserted from the Venezuelan National Guard to Columbia. Mass media from Miami have already written about 320 people, and Marco Rubio raised the number to 600. The Venezuelan army consists of 280 thousand people. The number 109 means that 0.03% of Venezuelan servicemen have deserted, Castillo noted on his Twitter page.
US presented a resolution on February 28, which would mandate holding new presidential elections in Venezuela. Russia and China vetoed the resolution.
The Contras were armed units fighting against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. In the 1980s, the units fought with support of the government of Ronald Reagan in Nicaragua.
Columbia has been an ally of the US in Latin America for many years. The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly remarked on the increased US military presence and activity near the city of Cucuta on the border with Venezuela.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency