13.01.2019, Paris.
The pseudo-leftist heads of the leading French General Confederation of Labor (Confédération générale du travail, CGT) trade union publicly attacked Professor Emeritus of history Annie Lacroix-Riz from the Paris Diderot University (Paris 7), a Rossa Primavera News Agency correspondent reports on January 12.
The Communist historian, known for defending an objective, fact-based approach to history, has been attacked multiple times for her uncompromising position, which does not align with the “general trend” of the French establishment. Supporters of Bandera’s ideas called the historian’s home phone number threatening physical violence after she disavowed false information regarding the “Golodomor” in Ukraine.
The next attack on history came from leftists close to the French Socialist Party. In the 17th CGT brochure which resembles the “Mirotvorets” enemies of Ukraine list, an anonymous author blames mass media and independent professionals, who do not agree with ultra-liberal social tendencies, calling all opponents “fascists”. The same cliché was applied to two TV channels which are allegedly sponsored by the “Russian regime”: Russia Today and Sputnik.
Annie Lacroix-Riz, being a Communist historian, was included in the black list because she disagrees with the biggest falsification of the 20th century: The Black Book of Communism, and also other anti-Communist conceptual works.
In response, she wrote an open letter which was distributed over the Internet, a fact that is deliberately ignored by the “liberal” mass media.
In the letter, Annie Lacroix-Riz points out that the witch hunt, with the pseudo-leftists calling communists “red–and–brown” has grown in strength significantly since 2012. Every socialist government, including the Hollande’s cabinet of ministers, has done this consistently.
While not having any kind of a scientific competence, the biased authors are preoccupied with labeling, and the liberal mass media pick up such a tendency on a biased manner. The creator of Conspiracy Theory Observatory Rudy Reinhard calls the historian, who relies exclusively on archival data, a “conspiracy theorist”. The “expert” himself has not been noticed to today in the field of historical research. But the socialists have created a reputation of an “expert” for him, and the mass media has spread his opinion widely as that of a professional.
A blatant example of prejudice is Rudy Reinhard’s 2012 criticism of Annie Lacroix-Riz’s book, The Choice of Defeat about the French politics before the Second World War, which leads to defeat and the establishment of the Vichy regime. The “expert” blames the historian for being non-representative in her choice of referenced documents. In this work, Lacroix-Ris used 4000 references, with the majority being archive documents. To prove his allegations, the author referred to the opinion of another French historian, Olivier Dard, who is considered an “expert of the right-wing movements”, but who could not reference to any document belonging to the given time period. While such a biased position was defeated in historical circles, the mass media continue to label Annie Lacroix-Riz as a “conspiracy theorist”.
It is worth noting that the socialists used the work of ultra-right organization L’Action Française, which collaborates with fascists, to support their position, which exposes the common hatred of such movements to Communism.
The politics of the CGT have recently been raising more and more questions among common trade union members and the regional leaders. In 2018 they found out to their surprise that the heads of the French trade union financially support the Russian LGBT movement and the promotion of the gender ideology, which is unnatural for the Left movement.
It is hard to say if the situation is related in any way to the CGT entering the World Confederation of Labor or to the Council of Europe directives. It is clear that the renunciation of the Communist ideology by the global confederation of trade unions could not have gone without consequence.
The global trade-union unification took place in 2006 on the basis of the reactionary International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), which was created in London in 1949 to oppose Communist trade unions. ICFTU supports social democracy, Christian democracy and liberalism. Today, 301 member-organizations from 155 countries make up the Confederation. Russia is presented within ICFTU by the Federation of the Independent Trade Unions of Russia and the Confederation of Labor of Russia.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency