30.03.2017, DPR.
Humanitarian aid from the children of Nizhniy Novgorod was delivered to Donbass, to the schoolchildren from Khartsyzsk, a Rossa Primavera News Agency reporter informed on March 30th.
“Essence of Time” movement’s members brought humanitarian aid from the students of school No 113 in Nizhniy Novgorod to Khartzysk school No 7. Toys, hygiene supplies, exercise books, sketchbooks, and other office supplies collected as a part of “Children of Russia to Children of Donbass” campaign were delivered. The schoolchildren from Khartsyzsk thanked the children from Nizhniy Novgorod for the presents, wished all the best, peace, and good marks.
“We are thankful to the school No 113 in Nizhniy Novgorod, to the teachers, to the children, who responded; this is a big help to us! Thank you to the members of All-Russian Parents’ Resistance organization, who organized this campaign for mutual aid, which is most necessary here,” the deputy director for educational process of school No 7 in Khratsyzsk Ilnitskaya Irina Anatolievna said.
In 2014, All-Russian Parents’ Resistance organization started “Children of Russia to Children of Donbass” campaign. Over 300 schools and education facilities in Russia collected and sent over 46 tons of humanitarian aid for Donbass.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency