Freedom of speech: Essence of Time unit in Donbass page deleted by Facebook

08.11.2016, Donetsk.

As we have informed earlier, Facebook administration blocked the page of our unit for, supposedly, “violating conditions and standards of the community”. We filed for appeal and yesterday, as was expected, the administration removed our page.

The message didn’t specify which exactly conditions and standards the specific photos of Essence of Time unit members and Motorola were violated. All users of Vkontakte, Livejournal,, Twitter and other social networks can see for themselves that our publications do not contain calls for extremism and violence, no incitement of ethnic or religious hatred.

The reason is something else. We have a strong feeling that Facebook administration is eradicating the informational sites that cover the events in Donbass. Only several days ago the page of our comrade Texas was blocked for 30 days and an official reason for that was also Motorola’s photo. Recently, after a number of times being blocked, Graham Phillips deleted his Facebook page.

At the same time, you can easily find photos of Azov regiment Nazis giving the Hitler salute, fascist swastikas and mottoes, jokes about dead Colorado potato beetles in Donbass (a derogatory name used to refer to those who wear Ribbon of Saint George as a sign of resisting fascism) and other anti-humanistic filth.

Of course, nobody had illusions regarding the freedom of speech on informational portals fully controlled by American security services. But, unfortunately, Facebook has a large number of users all over the world and we need to work with these people, explain them what is going on in the world.

Now more and more people, including in the West, are leaving Facebook and move to other social networks, such as Vkontakte. While talking about Western values and democracy, Facebook administration carries out openly Goebbels-like policies, implementing harsh censorship and eradicating the pages of undesirable users. People are being blocked for supporting Russia or for defending traditional family values. All alternative sources of information from Donbass are being cut off. At the same time, the administration refuses to notice the posts made by Bandera Nazis.

The enemy is afraid of us — this means we are doing everything right.


Essence of Time unit in Donbass

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