August 29 “Essence of Time” unit in Donbass report (with map)

29.08.2016, DPR.

Ukrainian military fired over 500 shells at frontline areas of Donetsk People’s Republic. Four civilians in Gorlovka, Yasinovataya and Mineralnoye village are wounded. According to DPR Defense Ministry, two servicemen of the Republic were injured by shrapnel. 33 houses in Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, Donetsk and villages in the south of DPR are damaged.

The situation remains tense on the Gorlovka direction. The enemy shelled Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka during the night. Several houses are damaged, a woman was injured by shrapnel. Gagarina (Glubokaya) mining village in the west and Golmovsky village in the north of the city came under intensive mortar fire during the evening. Trench combat continues on the outskirts of Gorlovka.

Yasinovataya and Mineralnoye were shelled, several houses were damaged. Kuibyshevsky and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, as well as Aleksandrovka village in the west of the capital were shelled. Houses, a store on Magdeburskaya street in Petrovsky district and school № 50 in Kuibyshevsky district were damaged. During the whole night and during the day periodically trench combat erupted in the area of Donetsk airport and Avdeevka industrial zone.
Также, ночью под огнем противника оказались Докучаевск и поселок Еленовка.

The enemy shelled Kominternovo, Leninskoye and Sakhanka villages on the Mariupol direction. Residential buildings were reportedly damaged.

DPR recon registered the movement of a column of 17 tanks in the area of Mirnoye village on the Mariupol direction towards the frontline. Hardware which participated in the Kiev military parade was noticed among them. Two “Gvozdika” self-propelled artillery guns were spotted west of Donetsk near Kurakhovka, as well as four mortar positions and an ammunition warehouse near Sladkoye village.


“Essence of Time” unit in Donbass

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