30.09.2015, Odessa.
Neo-Nazi “Right Sector” organization militants detained a group of Greek citizens, including a former Greek Deputy Defense Minister Kostas Isikhos, former Deputy Minister of Economy Nadia Valavani, former Foreign and Military Committee Chair Vasilis Khadzilambru and journalist Aris Khadzistefanu, in one of Odessa’s hotels, according to the Greek newspaper “Spark”.
The Greek delegation has arrived to Odessa for a working meeting with national minorities who live in the Black sea region.
According to the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi organization public affairs secretary Artyom Skoropadski, “Right Sector” did not detain Greek citizens and only blocked the exits of the hotel.
“This is a group of Greek left-wing radicals who wanted to organize some “Bessarabian People’s Republic” convention with local scum… We have blocked the hotel so that they wouldn’t attend, and we will continue doing so regardless which country citizens they are,” Skoropadsky said.
When asked where the citizens of Greece are now, he couldn’t specify, but noted that “they are certainly not on the convention“.
Source: RIA Novosti