Kurginyan explains why Transnistria and Gagauzia did not become part of Russia

23.06.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Transnistria and Gagauzia did not become part of Russia because politicians in the late Soviet Union really did not want to offend Moldova, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 31 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

There have been two main forces among Russian politicians since the times of the late Soviet Union, noted the political scientist. “One of them was promoting a narrative of the Russian world concept, and the other was about appeasing the anti-Russian forces by surrendering the pro-Russian forces,” explained the expert.

According to the leader of the Essence of Time, this was very clearly manifested in Moldova, where the Transnistria region immediately adopted all the laws allowing it to break away from Moldova and become pro-Russian.

Who was annoyed about it? They were Gorbachev-type Soviet politicians, among them were: very respected people with military background, no comment on this matter, because they carried out the instructions they received from their authorities; and politicians, including the leadership of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR,” explained the political scientist.

According to the logic of these politicians, Russia, by taking the side of Transnistria, would offend Moldova, which would distance itself from Russia, explained Sergey Kurginyan. So, these politicians wanted to buy Moldova’s kind enough relations with Russia by surrendering Transnistria, the political scientist clarified.

They wanted to appease Moldova, I remember all this very well. At that moment, there were forces in Moldova that were no different from Bandera supporters (Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during WWII). These were Moldovan neo-fascists who shouted: Russians go away to the other side of the Dniester river, drown Jews in the Dniester river. The West didnt say anything about it, just as now it says nothing about Banderas fascism ,” the analyst said.

These forces in Moldova had no intention of becoming pro-Russian, added the analyst. According to him, they hated Russia and wanted to turn towards the West.

It ended with a war and everything that is happening now. And the issue of Transnistria is still open, because it is not clear why it is not Russia, just like Gagauzia region, while these forces love Russians and want to be with them,” Kurginyan emphasized.

Russia should not push away those who love it for the sake of the dubious opportunity to keep larger territories in its orbit, noted the political scientist.

You wont be able to buy anything more! This is a fundamental existential choice. Take those who love you! Take this, take this under control, everything else – future will tell,” said the leader of Essence of Time movement adding that such certainty is fully consistent with the idea of ​​the Russian world.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency