Hunter helicopter “killer” of drone ships presented in Moscow

11.06.2024, Moscow.

Modernized unmanned attack helicopter Hunter, capable of fighting unmanned surface vehicles, was for the first time shown at the HeliRussia-2024 exhibition in Moscow, the exposition organizers informed on June 10.

The new helicopter has completely updated mechanics and electronics, including new software. Its main task is to search for and destroy surface marine boats.

The Hunter was developed in the design bureau Unmanned Helicopters (Belarus). The helicopter has a maximum takeoff weight of 750 kilograms, a payload of 200 kilograms, a flight duration of 6 hours at cruising speed and a range of 150 kilometers.

The Hunter system consists of two unmanned helicopters, a ground control station, a ground support station, and two transportation platforms. The helicopters are armed with a 7.62 mm turret, two launchers for 8 unguided rockets, and 16 anti-tank bombs.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency