Kurginyan: Metaphysics of death has always been very important for the West

23.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The idea of death has always been very important for Western philosophy, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on April 10 in the ObjectiveNO program on the Belarusian ONT TV channel.

In the early 90s, The End of History and the Last Man, a meaningless article by Francis Fukuyama, suddenly went viral all over the world, recalled the philosopher. Everyone was saying: “Fukuyama, Fukuyama, Fukuyama!”, Kurginyan noted.

The political scientist reminded that Fukuyama was influenced by Alexandre Kojève, a European philosopher of Russian origin, whose real name was Kozhevnikov. “A very smart, very evil man, one of the main architects of the European Union,” as Kurginyan described him.

Kojève said that there are four types of power. The first is the power of God, theocracy. The second is the power of the father, the father of the nation, the dictator. The third is the power of the judge, democracy. And the fourth is the power of the master over the slave. And when the first three are gone, what remains is the power of the master over the slave, Kurginyan recalled Kojève’s concept.

There was another major European philosopher, namely Martin Heidegger, recalled the political scientist. Heidegger can be called a genius, although he was close to fascism, noted Kurginyan. This philosopher said: “The world will never exist without metaphysics. Its just that the last metaphysics will be the metaphysics of power, the analyst pointed out.

Kurginyan noted that all the philosophers mentioned above were disciples of Hegel. And this revered thinker discussed not only dialectics and the universal spirit of history.

The actual Hegel said that the spirit of history must end along with the end of innovation and Homo sapiens as the species, then a new spirit must arise. And everything will turn into a postmodern library, and then it will all collapse on itself and join the absolute, Kurginyan recalled.

It all means thatthe idea of death, the metaphysics of death, the metaphysics of power and so on, it has always been very important within Western European society, noted the political scientist.

And the number one thinker in this regard is Arthur Schopenhauer, and there are some deep connections and connotations here, stated Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency