The National Interest: Russian S-500 Prometheus could change conflict in Ukraine

22.05.2024, Washington.

The delivery of the new S-500 surface-to-air missile system (SAM) to the Russian army could significantly change the course of military actions in Ukraine, The National Interest wrote on May 22.

According to the expert, the appearance of the S-500 SAM systems in the zone of Russia’s special military operation “could change the conflict and give Russia a noticeable advantage.” The article notes that the Russian system is capable of destroying not only the latest enemy aircraft, but also low-orbit satellites.

In April 2024, then-Defense Minister of Russia Sergey Shoigu announced the planned delivery of new S-500 air defense systems to the Russian Armed Forces in 2024. According to Shoigu, the air defense systems will come in two modifications – long-range surface-to-air missile systems and missile defense systems.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency