Kurginyan: Occultism takes advantage of the human longing for spirituality

26.12.2020, Moscow.

Various occult practices take advantage of the human yearning for spirituality, said philosopher, theater director, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in an interview to journalist Vladimir Solovyov on the Solovyov Live YouTube channel on December 24.

“People in the 21st century are reaching for a spiritual experience. They cannot live without it, ” explained Sergey Kurginyan.

Various New Age practices or someone else communicate the spiritual experience. There, it is quickly mixed with cheap occultism,” explained Kurginyan.

The Orthodox and Catholic churches do not encourage spiritual practices among their followers, stressed the director of the Moscow Theater On the Boards.

“The Church does not really like to have direct spiritual experience, it does not prohibit it, but it does not really encourage it either. The Clergy want to control the spiritual experience and pass it on to everyone else,” – added the leader of the Essence of Time. “Therefore, neither in Catholicism, where the attitude regarding the spiritual experience is more serious, nor in Orthodoxy, where it also exists, but is not really encouraged, there is no direct openness to spiritual practices.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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