26.12.2020, Moscow.
Strelkov’s fleeing from Slavyansk was part of a plan to prepare a revolt in Russia’s south with the physical elimination of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in an interview to journalist Vladimir Solovyov on the Solovyov Live YouTube channel on December 24.
Kurginyan spoke in detail about the revolt that was being prepared in July 2014, in which one of the actors was the former Defense Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic Igor Strelkov. According to the leader of Essence of Time, he learned about the preparation underway to surrender Donbass when he was visiting Donetsk to set up a hospital there.
“They said ‘Strelkov is feeling from Slavyansk.’ At this moment I felt what I always feel when treason happens. But I had no facts. But then strong evidence began to arrive that this was treason indeed,” Kurginyan stressed.
Then evidence of Strelkov’s talks with members of Right Sector (organization banned in Russia) about a corridor to leave Slavyansk were obtained.
“Then Boroday (then DPR leader ― Rossa Primavera News Agency) said that Strelkov was planning to flee further. And that he had some connections in the Southern District of Russia etc., forming a larger composition,” Kurginyan noted.
According to the expert, this was a joint plan with Ukraine as one element and members of a Russian ultra-nationalist wing group, the National Alliance of Russian Solidarists, as the other.
“The composition stipulated the complete surrender of Donbass and Strelkov’s flight with a revolt in Russia’s south after Putin’s physical elimination,” Kurginyan said,
Answering Solovyov’s question how they were planning to kill the Russian President, Kurginyan reminded of the MH-17 flight shot down over Donbass on July 17, 2014. That day Putin was flying back to Russia, and the Malaysian liner was mistaken for the presidential flight.
“Watch the video where Putin is speaking at the 800th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh (July 18, the day after the Malaysian Boeing was shot down). The Russian president is always dressed very very sharply, neatly and conservatively. But here his sportcoat was protruding. I think this was because he was wearing body armor under it,” the political scientist noted. Kurginyan stressed that this was a very tense situation, when a revolt could have taken place.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency