RVS (All-Russian Parents Resistance) Expert: We cannot allow our children to become cannon fodder for a new “führer”

24.04.2017, Russia.

In social networks, schoolchildren are exposed to a certain subculture which uses methods of intimidation and terror, Andrey Trubnikov, an activist from the Bryansk branch of the All-Russian Parents Resistance (Russian: RVS) organization,  reported during the Third Congress of the All-Russian Parents’ Resistance organization on April 15.

The RVS activist spoke about large youth groups in social networks which are created using the principles of psychological pressure, intimidation, and terror. For example, participants of such groups are offered to anonymously post the contact information about their so-called “enemies”, and to organize their “punishment”.

The speaker drew attention to the fact that there are many such groups, and that these groups include many schoolchildren. “For example, in Bryansk about 4,500 young people were registered in one such group, out of which 1,200 were schoolchildren. This is a very high degree of involvement for schoolchildren in Bryansk, where there are only 46,000 schoolchildren all together. This means that participants of such groups could be sitting almost in every class!” said Andrey Trubnikov.

The RVS activist noted that some of these groups are fascist in orientation. “For example, without trying to hide, they post videos of mass fighting drills with a song about Hitler in the background, or, while discussing environmental problems, they show photographs of Hitler, who was reported to be an animal lover. These examples are the most benign of what is available, and this raises many questions,” added the activist.

Andrey Trubnikov also drew attention to the fact that the participants of these groups were specifically recruited to participate in protests. For example,  Navalny’s supporters used similar methods to terrorize a Bryansk teacher, who urged students not to support dubious and questionable street actions. “It is inconceivable in the 21st century to see a teacher be terrorized for daring to have a different opinion. A gang of scoundrels (what else can we call them?) threatened to burn her, to put her on the stake, to kill her husband. Later the woman said in an interview that she was not the only one who was harmed, but also her child was driven to despair and made to faint. Also, “Navalny’s headquarters” suggested that school children “give information” about their offenders promising to blacklist them and to ’most certainly subject them to lustrations’ them after ‘our victory’”, the activist said.

The activist of the All-Russian Parents’ Resistance organization urged parents and teachers to rebuff any attempts to manipulate children. “We do not want our children to become cannon fodder for some new ‘führer’. We have no right to surrender and lose the battle for our children. We should call things by their real names: there is an ideological war for the minds of our children. In order to win this war, every teacher, every parent must be appropriately prepared and armed ideologically, spiritually, and intellectually. We must fight and defeat this abomination. The front line is now drawn through schools, families, through the minds and souls of our children. We must fight for our children and defend them. We have no other choice,” the RVS representative said.

The Third Congress of the All-Russian Parents’ Resistance organization took place on April 15 in Moscow. More than 1300 participants and delegates of the RVS from 64 Russian regions took part in the event. Among the congress’ guests were Duma members, senators, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, social and religious organizations, Children’s Ombudsmen, experts, journalists from federal and regional media.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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