Is the environmental disaster in the US the result of optimization?
Interestingly, in 2022, the movie “White Noise” was released in the US. Еhe plot of the movie is a train…
International News
Interestingly, in 2022, the movie “White Noise” was released in the US. Еhe plot of the movie is a train…
Adoption by the NATO Assembly of a resolution recognizing Russia as a “sponsor of terrorism” would allow the US to…
It was widely reported that US congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland’s 8th congressional district has made inflammatory statements about Russia…
The ideologists of Western Ukrainian supremacists copied the structure of their myth from Mussolini, Gentile, D’Annunzio, Moeller van den Bruck. Bandera Nazi mythological “conceptual baggage” was being poured onto all of Ukrainian population from the beginning of 1990s, first and foremost — onto the young generation. Textbooks were soaked in this mythology, school and university students had to pass exams on this mythology, this mythology was being implemented by Ukrainian print and online press. Almost one and a half young generations in Ukraine were raised like this,quite deeply immersed in a militant myth, hostile to Russia and Russians.
The ideologists of Western Ukrainian supremacists copied the structure of their myth from Mussolini, Gentile, D’Annunzio, Moeller van den Bruck. Bandera Nazi mythological “conceptual baggage” was being poured onto all of Ukrainian population from the beginning of 1990s, first and foremost — onto the young generation. Textbooks were soaked in this mythology, school and university students had to pass exams on this mythology, this mythology was being implemented by Ukrainian print and online press. Almost one and a half young generations in Ukraine were raised like this,quite deeply immersed in a militant myth, hostile to Russia and Russians.
What happened in Ukraine was an anti-constitutional and anti-democratic coup, which was orchestrated and actively supported by the western countries (in particular by the USA). However, the Ukrainian crisis was not the first one that the western countries have actively participated in since the clash of Soviet Union. 15 years before Ukrainian crisis, there was the large-scale military operation of NATO against Serbia. Both of these “operations” are perfect examples of the “policy of double standards”, which the Western countries continuously use to retain their power in the world.
Regardless of all inter-party disagreements, there is a strategic consensus of elites in the United States on the fact that no one in the world must be able to question the absolute American hegemony. Russia did.
Snowden’s files revealed the negligent attitude of the American “ally” towards not only key European, Latin American, Asian political leads, but towards strategical European, Asian, Latin American economic interests as well. Including the negligent attitude towards the problems of access of genetically modified and “pesticided” products to the market, towards European principles of the “welfare state”, the currency sovereignty of the EU and many other things. These files also unveiled the absolute American espionage against all significant people and organizations which participate in discussing TTIP and TPP.
Russia’s primary “sin” is that it is the only country in the world which dared to confront the primary instruments of American concept of “suppression through involvement”. That is why Russia is America’s enemy #1
Europe turned out to be involved “head over ears”, both directly and indirectly, in two major crises in 2014. In the Near East where it participates in the war against U.S.-created ISIL, bearing corresponding costs. And in Ukraine, where Nazis came to power after a U.S.-supported coup d’etat and where the depth of involvement of Europe and the costs (political, economic, social) it pays are even higher and keep increasing.