Operator of strike drones talks about the use of new UAVs

21.09.2024, Kherson.

The use of new strike drones with new frequencies helps to overcome the enemy’s electronic warfare (EW) systems, a UAV operator from the Group of Forces Dnepr told RIA Novosti on September 21.

“Yes, new frequencies, new drones, everything, in principle, is already working. We have them in service. Yes, they… lately, they don’t understand what we are using and where we are flying. Today, yes, today we worked well,” the serviceman said.

He specified that the teams are tasked with targeting enemy observation and command-observation posts, as well as their transport vehicles, about 10-11 km from the bank of the Dnepr under Russia’s control. The work is carried out considering the enemy’s EW systems and the radius of its operation is known to the UAV teams, the military reported.

Thanks to their experience and new technical means, the strike drone teams successfully hit targets in the enemy’s near rear, the agency informs.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency