China’s military attaché says that China appreciates the USSR’s contribution to the victory over Japan

02.09.2023, Moscow.

The Soviet Union’s contribution to the defeat of militaristic Japan will not be forgotten in China, said Major General Kui Yanwei, military attaché at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow. He said this on September 2 at a celebration on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the victory over Japan.

Kui Yanwei noted that China suffered huge losses in the war with Japan. “On the other hand, we received extensive support in the war from the international community. In particular, I would like to emphasize the important contribution made by the Soviet Army in defeating Japanese militarism. The Chinese people will never forget this,” he said.

In the war with Japan, which lasted from July 1937 to 1945, China lost up to 35 million people killed and wounded.

On September 2, 1945, Japan signed the surrender act. Separate battles between the Red Army and the remnants of the Japanese forces continued until September 10. Soviet troops withdrew from the territory in northeast China in May 1946.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency