Kurginyan: The West saw Russia’s weakening, and it wanted to finish it off

15.06.2023, Moscow.

The Western world saw that Russia became weak, and it wanted to finish it off, the leader of the Essence of Time social movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on June 6 in a new issue of his author’s broadcast Destiny.

According to the political scientist, a geopolitical weakening and a geopolitical catastrophe were not the only consequences of the collapse of the USSR.

We dropped from number two position on the globe in our economic potential to the sixth position, and now we are happy to keep on the tenth position? And what about the devastation in education, culture etc. for the sake of integrating into this Western world? And what about the demographic crisis? And all the rest? They saw we are getting weaker, and the wanted to finish us off, Kurginyan said.

In his opinion, the longer the West sees that Russia is weakening, the more it will want to finish it off.

The philosopher also noted that in Russia, one can only live a special life.

And here – in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk – you will not have a normal Russian life. You will either be dying or live an abnormal life and be happy with it, because, believe me, this normal Western life is a great filth, an it is increasing, Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency