LPR celebrates Russia Day for the first time since becoming part of Russian Federation

12.06.2023, Lugansk.

The Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) is celebrating Russia Day for the first time since becoming part of the Russian Federation, the press service of the LPR government wrote on its Telegram channel on June 12.

In the center of Lugansk, Russian servicemen solemnly raised the national flag of Russia while the anthem of the Russian Federation was sung.

Aleksey Samoylov, the head of the administration of the Republic, Sergey Kozlov, chairman of the government of the Republic, and Denis Miroshnichenko, chairman of the LPR People’s Council, took part in the ceremony and  made solemn speeches

“Today we are celebrating [Russia Day – Rossa Primavera News Agency] for the first time as part of the Russian Federation as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Today our People’s Militia servicemen, whose corps have joined the Russian Armed Forces, defend our borders jointly, and we must celebrate this holiday with dignity,” Samoilov said.

The LPR government chairman shared his joy with those present.

“First, it is joy that we have become part of a great country. Secondly, it is the joy that we have survived, and we could not be destroyed. Thirdly, it is a feeling of faith that we will win, that we will restore everything, rebuild,” Kozlov emphasized, adding that the LPR authorities’ tasks will be fulfilled in time.

Noting that Russia Day is “not exactly a new” holiday for the LPR, Miroshnichenko said, “We celebrated this day in previous years too. We believed that the path we had chosen since 2014, we would make it through. Only the strongest could succeed on this path, and Donbass has proved this today. And today we are proud to say that we celebrate this holiday as a full-fledged entity with all of Russia.”

September 23-27, 2022 in the LPR held a referendum, in which 98.42% of voters voted for joining the Russian Federation. In October 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal constitutional law accepting the new territory into Russia and forming a new subject of the Russian Federation – the Lugansk People’s Republic.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency