Kurginyan: China does not strategically believe Russia

05.07.2024, Moscow.

China has a complicated attitude towards Russia because it doesn’t believe it strategically, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 30 in an interview to Yelena Oya, the editor-in-chief of “ABSATZ.MEDIA” for the “So to Say” project.

The interviewer noted that today Russia and China have good relations. And she asked whether the West would be able to “finish off” China.

Sergey Kurginyan noted that “they will not finish China off.” At the same time, he pointed to the fact that China’s attitude towards Russia is far from straightforward.

China is a complicated partner, it does not trust us. Strategically, it does not believe us,” said the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

He mentioned that for some time he had been conducting a dialogue at the Eurasia Institute at the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. There he met with senior Chinese political leaders. As a result of this work, the political scientist concluded that China does not trust Russia.

Sergey Kurginyan recalled that in the USSR, during the de-Stalinization period, Nikita Khrushchev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at a meeting with Chinese leader Mao Zedong, raised the question that China too should start condemning Stalin’s personality cult. Mao refused to do so.

Khrushchev said: Why? Because we praised him too muchwas the answer’ We also praised him, so what?’ If we praised him so much and then condemned him, we would lose face.’ Khrushchev said: What? Lose what?’ He said: Face.’ Then he realized that Khrushchev does not get it, he said: And if we lose face, then we would lose power.And then he realized that he simplified it too much and said: And what good is power if we lose face?’,” the political scientist conveyed the essence of that conversation.

He emphasized that for the Chinese, the loss of face concept is very important. At the same time, according to him, “in relation to post-Soviet Russia, they constantly talk about the absence of such a face.”

In this regard, Sergey Kurginyan drew attention to the fact that in China, a mausoleum to Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square is still standing, and will continue to stand. And in Russia, while Lenin’s mausoleum is still standing on Red Square, it is “must be draped so well during the Victory Day Paradethat the wordLenin” cannot be seen.

Perhaps it would be for the better to bring back Stalin’ and Lenin’ and something else, right?”- said the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency