The Houthis claim to have delivered joint strikes on Israel together with Islamic Resistance of Iraq

03.07.2024, Haifa.

Yemeni Houthis from the rebel Ansar Allah movement, together with the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, delivered joint missile strikes on the Israeli city of Haifa, Houthi spokesman Yahya Saria told the Houthis’ owned Al Masirah TV channel on July 2.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces and the Islamic Resistance of Iraq carried out a joint military operation in which they launched several cruise missile strikes on a vital target in Haifa. The operation successfully achieved its goals,” Saria said.

The Houthis first announced a joint attack on Israeli targets with the Islamic Resistance of Iraq on June 6. At that time, according to their information, a ship delivering military equipment to the port of Haifa was hit. The strike was also reported by Saria.

At the same time, Israeli authorities have not reported threats of rocket attacks in Haifa in recent days.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency