Kurginyan explains what the next world war will look like

03.07.2024, Moscow.

The United States wants not only Ukraine to fight Russia but also a conglomerate of European countries using a limited amount of nuclear weapons, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 30 in an interview to Editor-in-Chief of Abzats Media Elena Oya for project So to Say.

Kurginyan confirmed that World War Three has been increasingly often discussed recently. “Yes, they speak about this more and more often, and it is not quite clear what exactly they mean, but I have an idea how they want to unfold it,” he noted.

According to him, a war between Israel and Iran or even between the United States and Iran cannot amount to a world war. The political scientist believes that the EU countries must be completely involved in the world war.

The US would like to make something European that would be able to fight. Be it called EU army, or US exit from NATO, or anything else. They would like to make a European ‘gang’ that would be able to fight, say, something like one hundred thousand Germans, one hundred thousand Frenchmen, one hundred thousand Poles etc., with some limited nuclear weapons,” Kurginyan explained.

Thus, the Russians would have to fight not only Ukraine but a larger conglomerate of states outside NATO, “so the US would not be obliged to support this war on the side of these states with its nuclear weapons, and it again stays across the ocean,” the political scientist added.

Also, Japan or Turkey can become involved in this war, Kurginyan noted, and he thanked the Russian diplomacy for preventing Turkey from this. “And this is right, because a country arranged the way our country is arranged will not withstand a second war, Ukraine is enough for us. Thank God we still hold out somehow against the entire West,” he stressed.

According to Kurginyan, the US would greatly benefit from sending such a conglomerate of countries to fight Russia. He explained why it wants Europe in the first place to be involved in a major war.

The Americans hate Europe, they hate it to death. This is far from any kind of infinite admiration. They hate Europe as migrants, they hate Europe for competition, they believe that any country is a threat if it can challenge US hegemony. The republicans hate Europe because some of them believe that this is where the Antichrist will come from, and he will be the president of united Europe. They have many sticking points,” Kurginyan said.

Therefore, why not clash Europe and Russia through the escalation of the Ukrainian system towards something bigger? Is that bad? Then something similar can be arranged in Middle East and Far East. Who will benefit then?” the political scientist asked.

According to him, in a situation when the US cannot demonstrate to everyone that they are better they will make the others worse, and thus they will look better.

This is a well-known concept of crisis management. This is how enterprises etc. are always seized. This is a well-known method,” he explained.

This is Steven Mann and his controlled chaos concept. This is not a new world order, they call this new world disorder,” the political scientist stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency