Russian Investigative Committee reveals war crimes of Banderite Hunka, who was honored in Canada

22.06.2024, Moscow.

Ukrainian Nazi Yaroslav Gunko (Hunka), who was honored in the Canadian Parliament, was involved in the murder of at least 500 people, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Bastrykin told reporters on June 22.

According to him, the Banderites, among whom Gunko was, killed at least 500 Soviet citizens in the village of Guta Penyatskaya in 1944. Among those killed were Jews and Poles.

According to the Investigative Committee, people were shot and burned in houses and in the church.

In September 2023, 98-year-old Yaroslav Gunko, a member of the SS division “Galicia” (organization banned in the Russian Federation), was invited to Vladimir Zelensky’s speech in the Canadian Parliament. The head of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, introduced Gunko as a fighter for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during the Second World War to the applause of the audience.

When information about Gunko’s past became public, an international scandal broke out, after which Anthony Rota was asked to resign and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was forced to apologize for what had happened.

In response to a request from the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office to extradite Gunko, Canada refused, citing the absence of a bilateral extradition treaty.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency