Following Putin’s visit to North Korea, Seoul revises agreement with Kiev

20.06.2024, Seoul.

The South Korean government intends to re-examine the issue of direct arms supplies to Kiev, the head of the national security department of the Korean presidential administration, Chang Ho-jin, said on June 20, Yonhap news agency informed.

The official also said that Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, having concluded a cooperation agreement, have thus refused to fulfill their international obligations. He called absurd the assumption that the international community could launch a preventive strike against Russia or North Korea.

As Jang Ho-jin said, a special military operation is comparable to the Korean War. According to him, “any assistance – direct or indirect – in strengthening North Korea’s military strength violates UN Security Council resolutions.” He said that Russia’s assistance to the DPRK threatens the security of the Republic of Korea.

Earlier it was reported that, according to a South Korean official, the Republic of Korea intends to maintain “strategic ambiguity” regarding the types of weapons supplied to Ukraine. South Korea has already assisted the Kiev regime by supplying non-lethal military items.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency