Putin: Cooperation between Russia and North Korea will mutually strengthen the sovereignty of both countries

18.06.2024, Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his firm confidence in the mutual strengthening of the sovereignty of the two countries – the North Korea and Russia – in his article for the Rodong Sinmun newspaper “Russia and the DPRK: Traditions of Friendship and Cooperation Through the Years,” posted on the Kremlin website on June 18.

According to the president, a higher level of cooperation between Russia and the DPRK in the economic and humanitarian spheres will make it possible to improve the well-being of residents of the two countries and strengthen their sovereignty.

“I am convinced that our joint efforts will take our bilateral interaction to a higher level, which will facilitate mutually beneficial and equal cooperation between Russia and the DPRK, strengthen our sovereignty, promote trade and economic ties, people-to-people contacts and, ultimately, improve the well-being of the citizens of both states,” the article reads.

Putin also thanked the DPRK for its assistance to Russia in the military special operation in Ukraine.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency