Turkish diplomat: No prerequisites for Moscow and Kiev to start negotiations

11.06.2024, Ankara.

Neither Russia nor Ukraine show signs of readiness to return to talks within the framework of the negotiation process, RIA Novosti wrote citing a source in Turkish diplomatic circles.

“Prerequisites are needed for the resumption of negotiations. At the moment, there are none,” the source of the Russian agency emphasized.

“As for initiatives, Mr. President [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] emphasizes Turkey’s readiness for any mediation at every opportunity. But we do not see any readiness of the sides to sit down at the negotiating table now,” he added.

In 2022, during the first weeks of the special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, peace talks between Russia and Ukraine were held in Istanbul. They ended inconclusively, as the Ukrainian delegation refused to sign the peace agreement.

In June 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin showed the text of the agreement that was planned to be signed in Istanbul. According to him, the head of the negotiating group had already initialed the document by putting his signature, Kiev eventually rejected the agreements. The president also noted that there were no guarantees of the same behavior of the Ukrainian side in the future.

In addition, in November 2023, the leader of the Servant of the People faction in the Ukrainian parliament, David Arakhamiya, who participated in the talks in Istanbul, said that then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson forbade Kiev to conclude a peace agreement with Moscow.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency