Kurginyan explains the West’s new military concept against Russia

07.06.2024, Moscow.

The West’s new concept will prescribe rejecting NATO, improving relations with Turkey, and the militarization of Japan, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 17 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist noted that the West does not want to escalate the war against Russia to a nuclear war because it fears Russia’s nuclear potential inherited from the Soviet Union. Therefore, Kurginyan stressed, they will increase their land contingent.

Along with that, the leader of Essence of Time posed the question of how the West would go about this, and on behalf of whom it will fight.

How can a conventional war genie be let out of the bottle without making it nuclear? First of all, NATO has to be removed with its fifth article demanding that all the available power must be used if a member state is attacked. This has to be removed. All the US needs to do is step aside and wait,” the political scientist explained.

Further, Sergey Kurginyan noted that in order to force the conventional format of the war onto Russia, the West needs to transport its land contingents somewhere. And beachheads for this, according to him, are already being prepared.

Article after article reiterate that we (Western countries – Rossa Primavera News Agency) will go to any length to restore our friendship with Turkey and permanently return it into our fold. Japan will follow,” the leader of Essence of Time said.

The political scientist indicated that the West is changing its military concept. Unlike the past 60-70 years when a nuclear arms race was going, now “an absolutely new, mysterious and ominous reality is coming, which implies a need for large land contingents, and thus it also implies that the situation will unfold without direct multi-megaton nuclear strikes or exchanges that would destroy our civilization, because land forces are nothing in case of such an exchange.”

Sergey Kurginyan said that when he served in the Tamanskaya Division, the most annoying thing for him was a blind dosimeter that could not be checked when you are going through a radiation zone in an armored personnel carrier. He stressed again that the West is preparing “not a war of blind dosimeters but something else,” and he indicated that underestimating this change of concept would be dangerous.

This is why it seems to me that these supposedly humble statements (of the EU countries – Rossa Primavera News Agency) that seemingly affect the countries themselves must actually be in focus for everyone who deciphers a non-trivial, absolutely new military concept of the West. This is an ominous, insidious concept, and hopefully it is beyond any doubt that it is against us,” the political scientist said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency