Kaya Kallas finds someone to blame for the fact that she will not be elected as NATO Secretary General

26.05.2024, Estonia.

A wanted notice by Russian law enforcers cost Kaja Kallas the post of NATO secretary general, the Estonian prime minister herself told Svenska Dagbladet on May 26.

The announcement of the manhunt was also a signal to my European colleagues. When we talk about various positions at the European level or in NATO, the main argument against me is that I am an anti-Russian provocateur,” Kallas said.

According to the head of the Estonian government, the Russian president personally tried to prevent her election. Nevertheless, the fact of having her name on the wanted list has added to Kaja Kallas’ popularity within the country, and allows her to make statements about how she is not afraid.

Kaja Kallas is one of the candidates for the next NATO Secretary General. The most likely successor to the current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is considered Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

It should also be noted that Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and a number of other Estonian politicians were declared wanted in Russia. Kallas’ record includes at least the destruction of Russian-language education in Estonia, an order to demolish all monuments to Soviet soldiers, and the defeat of rights for residents of the republic with Russian citizenship.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency