Kurginyan describes ideological traps of anti-Soviet conservatism

25.05.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Our historical tradition, in the conscience of the Russian society, is by 85% a Soviet tradition, and Western conservatism, which our elites are pandering to, hates it too much, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on May 9 in his celebratory address.

What is our historical tradition? Our historical tradition in the form it currently exists in our society’s conscience is by 85% a Soviet tradition, whether we like it or not. As soon as the Russians become conservatives respecting tradition, they cannot eliminate this Soviet tradition. Otherwise this is not conservatism. Meanwhile, the Western conservatism that they want to embrace hates our tradition to death (‘Kill commie for mommy!’)” Kurginyan said.

The political scientist indicated various ideological traps in this aspect, which will definitely become political ones. Russia has to inevitably drift towards conservative side, because the liberal one is definitely deadly; we cannot reject our Soviet heritage, because it is really rooted in the conscience of our society. Rejecting it, according to the political scientist, would be catastrophic for our country.

We must move towards the conservative side, because the liberal one is too ugly. Today, we cannot discuss any direct restorations, because what is gone is gone. But we understand what our conservatism is. And as soon as we eradicate the Soviet tradition from our conservatism, it is not conservatism anymore. Instead, we have a sort of a utopian conservative space that has nothing to do with conservatism, because there is nothing in the world, no ideological stance, that would be more hateful towards utopia than conservatism. And we find ourselves in an utopia that we are trying to call ‘conservative!’ Then it is clear what kind of a trap it will bring us into,” Kurginyan stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency