Ukrainian fighter hijacks a tank and defects to the Russian troops

24.05.2024, Donetsk.

Maksim Likhachyov, a Ukrainian fighter, surrendered to the Russian military after arriving on a T-64 tank, former minister for information of the Donetsk People’s Republic  Daniil Bezsonov wrote on May 24 on his Telegram channel.

According to Bezsonov, Likhachyov was born in 1985 in the town of Svatovo and was serving in the 59th Brigade of the Ukrainian armed units at the time of his surrender. He joined the Ukrainian armed units in October 2022 after returning to Ukraine from Poland.

Likhachyov used the tank to get to the Russian side more safely. The surrender took place by prior agreement.

“With whom Maksim met in Poland, before he returned to Ukraine, why every brigade of the Ukrainian armed units, where he appeared, suffered losses and what he will do, Likhachyov will soon tell himself,” wrote Bezsonov.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency