Russian army liberates Staritsa village in Kharkov Region

18.05.2024, Moscow.

Russian troops liberated the village of Staritsa on May 18 in Kharkov Region, the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry informed.

“As a result of active actions, units of the Sever Group of Forces liberated the village of Staritsa in Kharkov Region,” the ministry said. It is stressed that the Russian army continues its offensive deep into the enemy’s defense.

Also near the villages of Veterinarnoye and Miropolye in Kharkov Region and Loknya in Sumy Region, the Sever Group of Forces defeated the manpower and equipment of the 106th, 113th and 129th brigades of the Ukrainian territorial defense.

Assault units of the 42nd Mechanized, 57th Motorized Infantry, 82nd Airborne Assault Brigades of the Ukrainian armed units and the 125th Territorial Defense Brigade unsuccessfully attempted to counterattack four times in the areas of Liptsy, Tykhoye and Volchansk.

In total, the Ukrainian armed units lost about 150 people killed and wounded in this direction. They also lost a tank, two armored vehicles and two cars. In addition, Grad MLRSs and three self-propelled howitzers were hit: Polish Krab, Ukrainian Bogdana and Gvozdika. A Ukrainian field depot was destroyed.

As a result of the offensive in Kharkov Region, Russian troops liberated 12 villages during the week. The west and north of Volchansk is already under their control. The Ukrainian armed units reported a retreat “to more favorable positions”. In total, Russian troops have taken control of more than 200 square kilometers in northern Kharkov Region.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency