Expert: Ukrainian armed units used military chemical agents against residents of Semenovka in DPR

13.05.2024, Moscow.

The Ukrainian armed units used, among other things, ammunition filled with hydrocyanic acid in shelling the village of Semenovka in the Yasinovataya district of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Leonid Rink said in a commentary published by RIA Novosti on May 13.

The scientist, who is also the developer of the Novichok nerve agent, explained that the use of hydrocyanic acid was indicated by symptoms of poisoning, which were detected in the villagers who suffered from the chemical warfare agents.

The agency cites reports from victims who describe symptoms such as shortness of breath, severe coughing and vomiting, and a taste of almonds and metal in the mouth.

“These symptoms are consistent with those seen with hydrocyanic acid,” Rink commented on the victims’ reports.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the liberation of Semenovka in the DPR on April 29.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency