Kurginyan explains what stands behind Europe’s speculations about “Russian threat”

03.04.2024, Moscow.

Europe is being gradually and consistently driven to war against Russia by the escalation of the “Russian threat” agenda, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on March 16 on the Right to Know program on channel TVC.

What I can see behind all these things is their [the Western elites’] readiness for a long-term, slow, viscous, and quite lazy regrouping of their forces. They have apparently made a strategic decision that they will have to change themselves [for the confrontation with Russia],” Kurginyan said.

The political scientist noted that the European politicians today are poorly adapted for such a confrontation, and the majority of the political elites do not understand what kind of social transformations are necessary to prepare for a conflict.

They are poorly adapted for this, they do not want this, this is not their creed. They would like to continue their current semi-dormant condition, but they are told, ‘Wake up, wake up, wake up!’ They reply, ‘Yes… How shall we wake up? What does that mean wake up? Well, Okay…,’” the expert explained.

Therefore, the political scientist continued, at the first stage absolutely all the informational channels in Europe are filled with conversations that it is the Russians that plan to wage a war on the EU territory. Kurginyan stressed that this message is being broadcast to Europe “from every corner.”

The expert noted that the EU speakers are discussing allegedly confirmed time when the Russians are expected to “attack” Europe, and they are talking about their full awareness about the plans of the future “Russian aggression” against NATO.

They say, ‘We know; we know the year [when the conflict will begin], we know the way they will fight, we know everything about what will be taking place and when; the Russians will fight NATO,’” Kurginyan explained the content of these European statements.

At the same time, Russia officials feel shock and astonishment about this wave of absolutely incredible insinuations about Russia’s alleged intention to wage a war in Europe, calling them insanity and delirium of the intoxicated conscience of the European politicians. Nevertheless, the political scientist said that there is quite a logical explanation of what is taking place if we take a more general look. And most importantly, there is an actor who controls the process towards the direction it needs.

If we watch how every day and every week it is alleged to be increasingly established that the Russians will fight, and how collective this informational process is, it be comes absolutely clear that there must be a controlling center everywhere behind all these speculations and insanity,” Kurginyan noted.

He added that US ex-president Donald Trump, who cannot be blamed for lack of awareness, called this kind of a center in the US ‘deep state,’ so the existence of something like that is no more an allegation of idle conspiracy theorists.

This elite center, the political scientist continued, has already made a decision that Russia must have a war with Europe, which means that in the future it can begin to push Russia towards aggression against Europe using appropriate means and methods. Thus, the meaning of all these European speculations is not that the Russians want a war, but that they must be forced into it.

But if everyone is saying that the Russians want to fight, it means that the Russians are being coerced to fight. And if the Russians are being coerced to fight, and certain means of pressure are available, then they can be forced into it if the desire is strong enough,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency