Europe is preparing for war with the Russians. How does Russia respond?

03.04.2024, Moscow.

Europe is preparing for war with Russia, so Russia should not waste time and resources, it is also necessary to prepare for the war, according to the report from the theater of war, published in The Essence of Time newspaper, issue 579.

The construction of the largest NATO base in Europe, designed for 10,000 military personnel, began in Romania in March. The base will be located in Constanta County, where the Romanian port on the Black Sea is located.

The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, has said that the European Union should militarize its economy. At the same time, the head of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Michał Szczerba, said that the alliance countries should prioritize mental readjustment from peacetime to wartime.

The head of NATO’s Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, said it was necessary to focus not only on the alliance’s eastern flank, but also in space, cyberspace, the Arctic, Africa – wherever the Russians are present. He noted the alliance’s readiness for conflict with Russia.

“It is obvious that the Europeans are preparing for a war with Russia, which, according to Russian officials, has been going on for a long time, but not in the format of a direct clash, but as a hybrid war – on the fields of Ukraine.

So Russia must also prepare for the war without wasting time and resources.

By the way, the multipolar world for which Russian leadership advocates so much implies a much greater intensity and number of military conflicts,” The Essence of Time editorial reads.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency