Spiegel: Germany starts talks on supplying shells to Ukraine from India

26.02.2024, Berlin.

Berlin conducts secret negotiations with New Delhi on the purchase of shells for Kiev, the Spiegel newspaper reported on February 26, citing anonymous sources.

The newspaper notes that Germany is negotiating with India on the supply of shells. The deal is being discussed through intermediaries, as New Delhi does not want to spoil relations with Moscow.

Spiegel writes that similar discussions are underway with Arab countries, some of which have large stocks of ammunition. In addition, some Balkan countries and African states also have stocks or the ability to produce them.

According to the estimates of German security services, Ukraine’s stockpile of shells will be sufficient until July but might be depleted earlier.

The head of the German Defense Ministry’s Situation Center for Ukraine, Brigadier General Christian Freuding, admits that “artillery and anti-aircraft ammunition is not widely available on shelves around the world.” At the same time, he emphasized that there are no problems with financing: Berlin has allocated €7bn to purchase weapons for Ukraine for 2024 alone.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency