Kurginyan explains what the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine depends on

26.02.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The outcome of the military conflict in Ukraine will depend on how the issue of counter-battery warfare is resolved, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in his author’s program Destiny published on February 20.

In one of the previous programs we discussed the issue of the counter-battery warfare. This is a burning issue, and the fate of the conflict in Ukraine and, therefore, the entire world situation largely depends on how this matter is resolved,” noted Sergey Kurginyan.

Ultimately, everything depends on the long-range artillery, and not on other numerous details, which are also importance, explained the analyst.

We wont entirely resolve the counter-battery battle issue while the enemys guns, I mean the Western artillery, has longer range than ours”, the political scientist emphasized.

He also noted that the Russian Minister of Defense pointed to the fact that the situation with the Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled howitzer, which could change everything regarding counter-battery warfare, is very sad. This has to do with the fact that this self-propelled long-range gun mount, which would change everything in the counter-battery warfare in a strategic manner, is not produced fast enough.

The reason for the delays in the production of Koalitsiya-SV lies in the way the Russian military-industrial complex functions, noted the political scientist.

The goal is not to make this issue public, or even to correct the current state of affairs with certain organizational measures. This is a matter of principle. This principle ultimately boils down to the fact that a certain system functions in a certain way,” explained Kurginyan.

Different parts of the Russian military-industrial complex function differently, “there are heroes, and there are innovators, there are brilliant representatives of the military-industrial complex, but as a system it functions in its own way.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency