Kurginyan: Lukashenko underestimates Ukraine’s madness

24.01.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko underestimates Ukraine’s madness when he is predicting that in 2024 there is a “last chance” for Ukraine to resolve the conflict with Russia, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time Sergey Kurginyan on December 30 in an interview with the Belarusian agency BelTA.

Ukraine will not take advantage of this chance to resolve the confrontation, believes the analyst. Responding to the presenter’s question, Kurginyan noted that Lukashenko, as a rational leader, relying on human common sense, restraint and reasonable conservatism, projects these “best qualities of the Belarusian people” onto the Ukrainians.

Lukashenko underestimates the degree of Ukrainian madness, and passions, and the global greed. He believes that people are as rational as he is – while they are not. In the best sense of the word, the strongest thing about Lukashenko is that he is a normal person: courageous, reasonable, normal. Yes, he is like that. But on the other hand – such normality is not there,” the analyst comments.

In certain situations, mad passion combined with technology overcomes normality, stressed Kurginyan.

And Lukashenko almost lost with his rational constructions at a certain moment, during the attempted coup in Belarus in 2020, when he saw how much madness there was on the other side. I think he is still processing it, says Sergey Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency