Latvia intends to deport more than a thousand Russian citizens

04.01.2024, Riga.

More than a thousand Russian citizens may be deported from Latvia for not knowing Latvian, the Latvian LETA wrote on January 4.

“According to the latest information, deportation from Latvia threatens 1,167 Russian citizens who failed to fulfill the requirements of amendments to the immigration law and did not apply for a residence permit to live in the country,” the agency quotes the text of a statement by the Latvian Citizenship and Migration Board (LCMB).

LCMB specifies that the list for deportation is approximately equal between men and women. In addition, 789 of them are over 60 years old.

Maira Roze, Chairperson of the LCMB of Latvia, explains the deportation process. First, Russian citizens will have to give explanations about their reasons for staying in Latvia. During February 2024, these explanations will be reviewed and evaluated, and based on the results, an order will be issued for independent departure from the republic within 30 days. After the expiry of the term, deportation will be forced.

In December 2023, 1,213 Russian citizens had already been deported from the republic. At the same time, 46 people out of this number left Latvia earlier.

In August 2022, Latvian authorities decided to extend temporary residence permits for Russian citizens in exceptional cases. Permanent residence permits for Russian citizens will be issued after passing the Latvian language exam. The decision came into force in September 2023.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in December 2023 that Russia would prepare places to accommodate deported compatriots. In addition, employment issues will be resolved.

Zakharova called the actions of the Latvian authorities discrimination.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency