Kurginyan: The White movement during the Civil War failed to avoid collaborationism

18.12.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

The entities that combated the Bolsheviks in the Civil War received no support from the patriotic elite, and they could only rely on foreigners, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on December 12 on his original broadcast Destiny.

According to Sergey Kurginyan, after such a change of Russia’s historical vector as the Great October revolution, any collaborationism had to be rejected.

But was it possible to avoid it (collaborationism – Rossa Primavera News Agency) for those who combated the Bolsheviks during the Civil War? They could not avoid it, leaving out general Kornilov whom I respect really much, who was killed before the collaboration with foreigners established. They could not avoid it. All these people had to rely on foreigners. This is a tragic fact,” the political scientist noted.

Kurginyan stressed that the truly patriotic Russian elite had various worldviews at that moment, but it “rejected, refused to support, or supported less that it could have” those who demonstrated a direct and clear unity with foreigners who sought Russia’s dismemberment.

This is not the first time it happens in the world history. Exactly the same thing took place during the French Revolution. The French revolutionary patriotism (in this sense, the word ‘patriotism’ was invented during the French Revolution) stroke a deep chord in the French soul,” Sergey Kurginyan reminded.

He indicated that the French elite in the period of the French Revolution refused to support the French royalists who were in any way associated with the Austrian-Prussian army of Duke of Brunswick.

Perhaps some part of the French pre-revolutionary elite would like to support the restoration movements and the idea of allegedly great French royalism personified by Joan of Arc who fought the British occupants. But they saw British officers near those royalists who commanded those royalists,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement reminded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency