Time frame for developing a new Russian fighter jet Checkmate announced

13.11.2023, Dubai.

The first prototype of the new Russian Checkmate fighter jet should appear in 2025, said Denis Manturov, head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, speaking to journalists at the opening of Dubai Airshow 2023 on November 13.

Speaking about creating the first prototype of the Checkmate fighter, Denis Manturov said, “I expect it to happen before the end of 2025.”

The mockup of the Russian Checkmate fighter was first shown at the MAKS-2021 airshow. The project provides for the creation of a cheaper single-engine airplane. It should be noted that over the past decades, all Russian fighters such as MiG-29, Su-27, Su-57 and their modifications have been twin-engine.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency