Rostov-on-Don company will supply dozens of UAV detection systems

30.10.2023, Rostov-on-Don.

Scientific production association Gorizont (Rostov-on-Don) will supply dozens of drone detection systems in 2023, the Gorod N publication wrote on October 29, citing the company’s CEO Dmitry Khokhlov.

Khokhlov said that Gorizont has been developing complexes for drone detection since 2017. In 2018, the first successful tests took place. Since then, the development has not stopped being improved.

“The task of such complexes is to detect an intruder in time, identify it and apply suppression means or notify about the threat. Our systems today can transmit instructions to air defense systems,” Khokhlov explained.

He said that until 2023 the company sold detection systems to research institutes engaged in similar developments. These were isolated sales. However, since 2023 the situation has changed, the systems have become widely demanded.

“This year we will deliver dozens of systems of various configurations,” Khokhlov emphasized.

On October 29, air defense means shot down a drone over Rostov-on-Don. Its debris fell on the roofs of 18 houses in the residential area. Six houses and a car were damaged. There were no fatalities or casualties.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency