Polish President: Anti-Ukrainian sentiments are growing among Poles

25.09.2023, Warsaw.

Polish President Andrzej Duda mentioned the growth of anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Polish society in an interview with the Super Express newspaper on September 25.

He noted the words of the head of the Kiev regime Vladimir Zelensky, at the UN General Assembly, where he said that countries that block the import of Ukrainian grain “play into Moscow’s hands.” “Many people in Poland felt insulted,” Duda said.

Asked whether the statement would provoke a rise in anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Poland, Duda said it was likely to do so. “Poles, both government officials and ordinary people, have sacrificed a lot to help Ukraine,” the Polish president said, “I think that many of them are very sensitive to this situation today.”

Earlier, Duda canceled a meeting with Zelensky after his words from the UN General Assembly. He compared Ukraine to a “drowning man” who “can just drown the rescuer”.

A flashmob recently became popular in Polish social networks. Poles “wave away” the annoying photo of Zelensky. In the video, the virtual Zelensky continuously demands money.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency