Russian Central Election Commission (CEC): Voting in Zimbabwe goes calmly

27.08.2023, Zimbabwe.

Voting in the general elections in Zimbabwe passed in a calm, stable mode, without violations, the press service of the commission of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation reported on August 27.

Andrey Shutov, a CEC representative who attended the Zimbabwean elections as an international observer, said in a statement.

Voting took place in a calm, stable mode, we have not detected any violations. Everything was organized taking into account the local electoral law,” Shutov said.

He added that he communicated with observers at almost every polling station where he was, and they spoke about the absence of violations.

It is reported that the counting of votes will begin on August 28 and will be conducted for five working days.

That is, on Saturday and Sunday they do not count votes,” explained Shutov.

He also said that after visiting about 10 polling stations, including in rural areas, he noted a high voter turnout.

The activity of voters was amazing. The queues at polling stations were 50-100 people. At the same time, local legislation categorically prohibits filming at polling stations. Voting only through the ballot paper or – very rarely – by mail. In order to avoid repeated voting, after the ballot paper is issued to each citizen, blue paint is applied to the nail of the left hand, which is not washed off for three days,” – said the representative of the CEC of the Russian Federation.

Earlier on August 27, the Zimbabwean Electoral Commission reported that the incumbent head of the country Emmerson Mnangagwa was re-elected for a second term as a result of the elections. Besides the president, Zimbabwe also elects 60 out of 80 members of the Senate (upper house of parliament), 270 deputies of the National Assembly (lower house of parliament), regional and local authorities

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency