CAR asks Russia to provide security during the referendum

27.08.2023, CAR.

The Central African Republic has asked Moscow to help provide security during the referendum, Russian Ambassador to CAR Alexander Bikantov told RIA Novosti on August 27.

There was a request to help with security, as the UN Multidisciplinary Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR refused,” the diplomat said.

Bikantov emphasized that at the same time the number of instructors was not discussed, the CAR left this decision to Russia. The ambassador added that the referendum was held without serious incidents, the diplomatic mission is not aware of other requests of the African republic to increase the number of Russian instructors.

Earlier, Bikantov said that there are 1,890 instructors in the CAR, and the republic’s authorities are interested in increasing their number.

It is worth noting that in May, CAR President Fosten-Arkange Touadera announced a referendum on the constitution. It gave him the opportunity to run for a third term. In addition, the constitution increases the presidential term from five to seven years.

The turnout at the referendum was 57.23%, with more than 95% of voters supporting the adoption of the new constitution.

It is also worth noting that Touadera, commenting on reports of the death of the founder of the PMC “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin, said that the CAR is in mourning, as he saved democracy in this republic. The president added that this will not change relations with Russia in any way.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency