Lavrov explains what the demonstration with Russian flags in Niger means

24.08.2023, Moscow.

Demonstrations with Russian flags after the coup in Niger speak of discontent of the country’s residents with Western practices, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters on August 24.

“These demonstrations, these Russian flags, are first of all, in my opinion, a reflection of the feelings that the residents of Niger have in this case,” Lavrov explained.

According to the minister, people in Niger realize that partnership with the West “does not give them much,” which is manifested, among other things, in “dissatisfaction with Western practices that are based on colonial processes.”

Lavrov added that the memory of how Russia and African countries together fought colonialism should not be disregarded.

“These are not just lofty words. In fact, African leaders and peoples have this deeply rooted conviction,” the diplomat said.

He noted that officials in Western countries rushed to say they had no data to accuse Russia of orchestrating a change of power in Niger through a coup d’état.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency