Georgian MP accuses US ambassador of trying to bring radicals to power

23.08.2023, Tbilisi.

US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan tried to bring radical opposition to power in the republic, and when she realized that it would not work, she began to criticize the electronic election system, Georgian MP from the Power of the People movement Guram Macharashvili told journalists on August 22.

“She realized that she would not be able to bring the radical opposition to power. Now this desperate diplomat has turned to a last-ditch attempt to leave landmines,” Macharashvili said.

The MP also accused Degnan of encouraging scenarios of power change through an orange revolution in Georgia.

Earlier, an MP from the ruling Georgian Dream party Irakli Zarkua also criticized the US ambassador for expressing her distrust of the electronic election system introduced in Georgia. He accused her of encouraging coup attempts in the republic and also called her a “wrecker.”

Degnan has been working as US ambassador to Georgia since January 2022. Robin Dunnigan will soon succeed her.

The Georgian Dream and the Power of the People, formed from former members of the ruling party, consider United National Movement the largest opposition party in Georgia, and its allies as “radical opposition”. This party was founded by Mikheil Saakashvili before he became president as a result of a coup in 2003.

Since the “nationalists” lost power after losing the 2012 parliamentary elections, they are pursuing destructive policies. The party attacks Georgian Dream, accusing it of working for the Kremlin.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency