Kiev will send military officers from Western Ukraine to Kharkov

13.08.2023, Lugansk.

Kiev will send military officers from Western Ukraine to Kharkov to carry out mobilization activities, a source in the LPR security services told RIA Novosti on 13 August.

The LPR security forces received the information from a high-ranking Ukrainian military officer. He said that task forces will arrive in Kharkov, which will include officers from the western regions of Ukraine.

The LPR believes that this is caused by the fact that military commissars in Kharkov Region sympathize with Russia and do not carry out mobilization at the proper level. The agency’s interlocutor said that corruption is rampant in the region’s military committees, but Kiev is dissatisfied with the fact that local military committees do not share funds with it.

Therefore, it is planned to send employees to Kharkov, who would treat the population of eastern Ukraine ruthlessly on the one hand, and on the other hand would share with their bosses the money received from the corruption.

Recently, high-profile scandals related to corruption in Ukrainian military commissions have started in Ukraine. 110 cases against their employees are being investigated.

The detained military commander of the Odessa region, Yevgeniy Borisov, became the owner of a villa on the Spanish coast, an office and cars worth several million dollars during a special operation, according to media reports.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency