Georgian Prime Minister calls Saakashvili’s behavior during the 2008 war disgraceful

08.08.2023, Tbilisi.

The war launched by Georgia against South Ossetia in August 2008 showed the cowardice of then Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili told reporters on August 8, speaking on the occasion of the events.

“Then we saw the most shameful behavior of the former commander-in-chief. You remember running, falling to the ground at the sound of aircraft,” Garibashvili said.

He emphasized that not only the residents of Georgia, but also the whole world had a chance to see Saakashvili’s disgrace. The Prime Minister also called the then authorities of the republic time anti-national, as it did not calculate the risks of its actions and did not care about the safety of the people.

Garibashvili also stated that the 2008 war could have been avoided.

During the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in August 2008, in which Russia intervened as a peacekeeper, the media published footage of Saakashvili fleeing in fear during a meeting with the population when he heard the sound of aircraft.

In addition, the world saw Saakashvili chewing his tie while talking on his cell phone on August 16, 2008. This happened while BBC correspondents were filming an interview. The President received a call and interrupted the conversation but did not tell them to stop filming. Later Saakashvili said that he chews his tie when he is very nervous.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency