Russian Defense Ministry confirms strike on unmanned craft bases in Odessa

23.07.2023, Moscow.

A strike on facilities in Odessa where there were being prepared terrorist acts using unmanned vessels was confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry on July 23.

The group strike with high-precision weapons was carried out on the sites where the vehicles were prepared and where they were manufactured. The sites were manned by foreign mercenaries, the Russian ministry said.

During the strike all targets were hit, according to the combat mission.

On the morning of July 17, the Crimean bridge was attacked by two Ukrainian surface unmanned ships. A branch on the automobile bridge was damaged and traffic was suspended.

On the night of July 18, traffic on the road bridge was opened in reverse mode on one lane of the retained branch. The first lane of this branch is planned to be restored by September 15. The second lane of the second branch is scheduled to be restored by November 1.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency