It is known where the neo-Nazi regiment in Ukraine came from

23.07.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

In the “Azov Movement” (an organization banned in Russia) the main significance is pure neo-Nazism and precisely in its occult version, said Andrey Bersenev in his article “Azov” (an organization banned in Russia) published on July 12. “From Kharkov marginalists to an international neo-Nazi network” in the Essence of Time newspaper.

The strongholds of the Azov Movement (an organization banned in Russia) are the native Russian regions of Ukraine – Kharkov, Donetsk, and Mariupol. Many Azov members (an organization banned in Russia) are distinguished by a constant feeling of foreignness among “pure” Ukrainian nationalists because of their Russian origin.

Azov (an organization banned in Russia) has cults of Bandera, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) (an organization banned in Russia) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) (an organization banned in Russia) – without these cults, no Ukrainian nationalism is possible… Both in their ideology and in their organizational structure, Azov (an organization banned in Russia) was initially oriented towards the international neo-Nazi movement. And this makes Azov (an organization banned in Russia) particularly dangerous,” Bersenev wrote.

The head of the Azov Movement (an organization banned in Russia) is Andrey Biletsky, whom the Azovists (an organization banned in Russia) themselves call the “White Chief.” Biletsky began his political path in Ukraine in 2002, heading the Kharkov branch of Stepan Bandera’s Trident (an organization banned in Russia). Later, Biletsky began to actively cooperate with the Social National Party of Ukraine (SNPU). In 2005, Biletsky begins to revitalize the structures of Patriot of Ukraine.

Biletsky’s Patriot of Ukraine” was joined by representatives of near-football, so-called ultras, from Kharkov (Metalist soccer club), Kiev (“Dynamo”) and other cities of Ukraine. To remind that it was the militants of Kharkov club Metalist who formed the core of the pogromists who organized a mass burning of pro-Russian citizens in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014” – the author of the article points out.

In late 2008, Biletsky created the Social National Assembly (SNA), another nationalist structure. In addition to Patriot of Ukraine, several small right-wing groups joined it. In 2011, he went to prison on charges of preparing a terrorist attack. Biletsky managed to get out on the wave of Euromaidan in 2014, and in March he already headed the power bloc Right Sector – East (an organization banned in Russia).

The structure developed around Azov (an organization banned in Russia), which was reformed from a battalion to a regiment in September 2014 and transferred to the National Guard of Ukraine in November 2014, was called the Azov Movement (an organization banned in Russia). Its ideologues continue to be the ideologues of Patriot of Ukraine.

Today in the West, when discussing Azov (an organization banned in Russia), its ideology is somehow omitted. Sometimes it is only timidly reported about Biletsky’s statement that the goal of Ukrainian nationalists is “to lead the white races of the world in the last crusade … against the Semitic-led untermenschen,” notes Andrey Bersenev.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency