Problem of drinking water and food supply in Kherson region has been solved

03.07.2023, Genichensk.

Kherson region’s authorities solved the problem of providing drinking water to the districts that were affected by the flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant by the Ukrainian armed units, acting region’s governor Vladimir Saldo said on July 3 on the air of the TV channel Russia 24.

“There was a problem with bottled water. Because taking water from the water supply system, from wells is not yet possible everywhere. And it has already been solved, this problem has been eliminated,” Saldo said.

According to him, in this situation, almost all villages were provided with supplies of bottled water that would be distributed among the residents. In addition, there are vehicles that transport drinking water, but also for use in domestic needs.

He added that the region receives the necessary amount of food, which is delivered from the Crimea, Rostov region and Krasnodar region.

Earlier, Saldo reported that 35 villages and towns were in the flood zone after a break in the dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP. As a result of the flood, 48 people died.

He added that on June 21, the Dnepr returned to its natural banks, but the lower part of the river became an ecological disaster zone as a result of the dam failure.

According to preliminary estimates by local authorities, the Kherson region suffered damages from the flood of approximately $0.4 billion rubles.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency